Elevate Your E-commerce and Online Business Success with Personalized Coaching

Coaching+Consultation= Coachsultation
Coach Gabor

Do These Questions Keep You Up At Night?

- How can I scale my business to the next level?

- How can I attract and retain more customers for my online store?

- How can I develop a more effective marketing and sales strategy?

- How can I improve the profitability?

- What is the best exit strategy for my e-commerce business?

- How can I build and manage a high-performing team?

- How can I make an actionable plan to move forward on a project I've been thinking about (or avoiding)?

- Who can I regularly discuss my progress with to ensure I'm on track to achieve my goals?

- How can I improve my time management to focus on strategic priorities?

- How can I hold myself and my team accountable for achieving our goals?

Unlock Solutions With My Coachsulting Service:

Experience the transformational power of personalized coachsultation as we work collaboratively to define and achieve your business goals.

Who This Coaching Is For

This Coaching Program is Perfect For

Founders, owners, CEOs, and executives of e-commerce companies or internet startups who are driven by passion and fueled by ambition. If you're excited about your online business and envision building it into a serious enterprise with substantial market share, profitability, and brand recognition, then this coaching is tailored for you.

Passionate Visionaries

My ideal clients are those who are committed to excellence, eager to nurture a strong team, implement efficient business processes, and establish a reputable brand in the digital landscape. If you aspire to achieve significant growth and ultimately position your business for a lucrative exit strategy, then you're in the right place.

Online, E-commerce Entrepreneurs

Who have recently started an e-commerce or internet-based business, or are in the pre-launch phase, and could benefit from external expert feedback on their core concepts.
Who have already achieved some success but are eager to scale their company to the next level, while also focusing on their own personal development as a manager, leader, and business owner.

How Together We Elevate Your Business Success

With over 25 years of expertise in internet startups, e-commerce, and digital marketing, I bring a wealth of experience to guide you toward unparalleled success. As a certified life coach recognized by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), I offer a unique blend of consulting and personalized coaching.

My one-on-one coaching+consulting= coachsultation sessions provide invaluable insights, fresh perspectives, and actionable strategies tailored to your specific needs. I specialize in offering an external viewpoint, innovative ideas, and structured guidance to propel your business forward.

I believe in empowering my clients to discover their own insights and solutions. Rather than offering direct advice, I use questioning techniques and active listening to help explore your goals, values, and challenges.

The Coaching Process

Free Introductory Session:
We start with a complimentary 60-minute introductory session to get to know each other and determine if we're a good fit.

This session lets us discuss your business objectives, challenges, and expectations. Also, we'll figure out the structure of your coaching program, including frequency, timeframe, and other relevant details.

Ongoing Coaching Sessions:
Based on our agreement during the Intro session regarding your goals and the personalized coaching program, we will typically hold weekly sessions lasting 50 minutes.

Availability and Support:
In addition to our scheduled coaching sessions, I'm available to support you via email between the meetings.

Meeting Format:
All coaching sessions are conducted through video calls or in-person meetings, depending on your preference and availability.

Your privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance. Rest assured that all discussions and information shared during our coaching sessions are held in strict confidence, adhering to professional ethical standards and guidelines.

Who Is Coach Gábor

Successful online entrepreneur with a track record of building and selling an internet-based healthcare company and two e-commerce businesses. CEO of a multi-award-winning company, which has received accolades such as the 'Deloitte Technology Fast 50' award.

Passion-Driven: His journey into coaching stems from a deep-rooted passion for problem-solving and a genuine desire to help others thrive in the ever-evolving world of business. He is a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience in internet startups, e-commerce, and digital marketing.

Empathetic Listener and Advisor: He is eager to listen, understand, and offer insights to clients. Finding satisfaction in brainstorming innovative strategies and providing guidance that propels businesses forward.

Driving Tangible Impact: What truly motivates him is the opportunity to make a tangible impact on others' success, whether by helping them increase sales and revenue, refine their marketing efforts, or even facilitate their personal growth as leaders.

Formalizing Coaching Expertise: Recognizing the transformative power of coaching, He pursued a Certified Professional Life Coach diploma to formalize his coaching approach. He blends consultation with coaching to deliver optimal outcomes for his clients.

Words About Me

Experience the transformative power of personalized coaching tailored to your unique e-commerce aspirations. Schedule your free introductory session today and take the first step towards achieving your business goals with confidence and clarity.

Take Control of Your Business Health:

Introducing the Business Vitality Wheel™

Feeling overwhelmed by the different aspects of running a business? My Business Vitality Wheel™ assessment tool simplifies things. It's a visual way to assess eight key areas crucial for a thriving business.

This tool can help you identify opportunities for improvement and develop a clear roadmap for success—partner with CoachGabor to translate those insights into actionable steps. Schedule a free consultation today!

Take charge of your business health,
download the

Business Vitality Wheel™ now!

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